
Fred Bischoff
Voting Advisor
Fred Bischoff is the director of the Adventist Pioneer Library, which has operated since 1988, and has partnered with the Ellen G. White Estate since 2005 to produce a digital collection of early Adventist writings. In 2013 Adventist Pioneer Library became part of Light Bearers Ministry, located in Oregon. He serves on the boards of three non-profit organizations that work collaboratively with the Seventh-day Adventist church. He is the secretary of Health Ministry Foundation, Inc., which has been a sponsor of health, education, publishing, and evangelistic work in the USA and other countries. He has been studying the relation of Adventist history to Bible prophecy since the late 1980s, and has been led to a ministry of teaching, seminar speaking, and writing. He finds his greatest joy in exploring and explaining "the simplicity that is in Christ" in relation to history and prophecy, which culminate in the Adventist mission. One of his favorite topics is the faith of Jesus.

Gerald Finneman
Vice President
Pastor Finneman is presently working as a chaplain conducting various seminars on health topics such as depression recovery, stress, and brain structure and function, plus evangelistic meetings centered in the cross, prophecy, along with religious liberty seminars both in North America and five Continents. He is an author of books and magazine articles. He has also served as a conference religious liberty director and associate ministerial director. Pastor Finneman and his wife Shirley were in pastoral ministry for over 35 years. Both have a master’s degree in public from Loma Linda University. He also teaches Sabbath School at his local congregation.

Todd Guthrie
Voting Advisor
Todd Guthrie is an orthopedic surgeon in California who teaches a Sabbath School class and serves as the Mt. Shasta SDA church's head elder. He and his wife Patti have appreciated the "most precious message" for over 20 years. They have four children who have helped in sharing music on 3ABN and in various other venues.

Bob Hunsaker
Robert Hunsaker is a Seventh-day Adventist physician practicing in the Boston, Massachusetts area with his beautiful wife Andi, who is also a physician. He is an elder at the Stoneham Memorial SDA church and teaches SS regularly. He is active in AMEN and ASI, besides the 1888MSC. He and Andi stay active in local and overseas evangelism, public speaking, writing, as well as overseas medical humanitarian work. He credits his love for the Lord and SDAism to the wonderful truths of the 1888 message.

Kelly Kinsley
Donn LaTour

Brian Schwartz
Brian Schwartz is an Interventional Cardiologist at Kettering Hospital. He has served as an elder at the Centerville Seventh- day Adventist Church. Brian’s wife, Lyndi is an Internal Medicine specialist at the same hospital.